Privacy Policies Website

How use your data :
Data protection

In accordance with the provisions of (EU) 679/2016 General Data Protection Regulation and current legislation, the Books4Learning informs its users of its data protection policy for them to decide freely and voluntarily whether they wish to provide the personal data which may be requested of them for subscribing or unsubscribing to some services offered on Except in the fields where stated the contrary, answers to questions about personal data is voluntary.

Penguin Books S.A. reserves its right to modify this policy to adapt it to novelties or legislative and legal demands and industrial good practice, keeping legitimate consumer or user interests in mind at all times. Certain services provided on may contain terms and conditions concerning personal data protection.

Confidentiality in automated processing of user’s personal data

The personal data acquired through the Penguin Books, S.A. sites shall be processed confidentially according to the provisions of the GDPR.

Penguin Books S.A., with offices at Glorieta de Quevedo nº 9 7º C, 28015 Madrid (Spain), is the controller of the personal data processing mentioned above.

Books4Learning shall provide users with adequate technical resources for them to access this personal data protection policy notice or any other relevant information, and may give their informed consent so that Books4Learning can proceed to process the personal data of its users. Such user acceptance of processing their personal data may always be revoked, although not retroactively so.

Purpose and lawfulness of personal data processing

Processing of personal data is at all times requested for the purpose of management, administration, provision, expansion and improvement of the services offered by Books4Learning; the quantitative and qualitative study of visits and use made of its services by users; and sending by traditional or electronic media information, whether commercial or other, related to the functions of Books4Learning and its collaborators following concrete parameters selected by users in the forms or registration filled out by them.

The legal basis for processing, which shall be adequately informed on every data collection form, shall be a service contract, or the consent of the interested party when necessary.

The user assures that he/she is of legal age or legally emancipated, or otherwise, has the permission of parents or guardian to access our pages, as well as the truth and authenticity of the information given on the various forms or user registration, and is committed to keeping this information updated.

Users are not obligated to receive the abovementioned information or survey forms if they so indicate in the ways provided for the purpose by Books4Learning, whether on the subscription form for services offered or in writing or directly by the procedure given on each communication sent.

If the user provides data for third parties, Books4Learning cannot be held responsible for complying with the principles of information and consent, and therefore, the user shall be the one to ensure that the data subject has been previously informed and consented to such data being communicated.

Books4Learning may send communications referring to its own products or services, or those of collaborators, similar to those which were originally subject of authorisation by the user, without having to request permission or express application. However, the user, in all cases, shall have the means to object to receiving this type of communications.

Data addressees

Personal data may not be transferred or communicated to third parties except in such cases as may be necessary for the development, control and compliance with the purposes expressed above, in the cases provided for by law.

Furthermore, we inform users that certain data, within the framework of current legislation or their contractual relationship with Books4Learning may be communicated to:
  Government authorities when so stipulated by current legislation
  [Spanish] National security forces and corps by virtue of the stipulations of current legislation

User acceptance for transferring data to third parties may always be revoked, but not retroactively so.

Data storage

Books4Learning shall store personal data of the interested party for the minimum time necessary.

The information shall be stored while the contractual relationship lasts, until the user revokes consent or exerts the right of erasure, and later during the periods legally provided for by law.

Rights of the interested party

The interested party may exercise the right to access, rectification, removal, opposition, data portability and restriction of processing by addressing such request by e-mail to

Books4Learning has forms available for exercising such rights which may be requested by email to, or use those drafted by the Spanish Data Protection Agency or third parties. These forms must bear an electronic signature or be accompanied by a photocopy of the Spanish National Identity Card Number (DNI). If acting through a representative, it must also be accompanied by copy of the DNI or electronic signature.

The interested party has the right to make a claim to the Spanish Data Protection Agency if he/she believes his/her rights have not been properly dealt with.

The user authorizes use of his/her personal data when required by the competent government authorities or by legal mandate.

In no case shall Books4Learning make use of the personal data of its users for purposes other than those mentioned above without prior warning and shall give reasonably sufficient advance notice for the user to object.
